Many people know Watson as the IBM-developed cognitive super computer that won the Jeopardy! gameshow in 2011. In truth, Watson is not actually a computer but a set of algorithms and APIs, and since winning TV fame (and a $1 million prize) IBM has put it to use tackling tough problems in every industry from healthcare to finance.
Most recently, IBM has announced several new partnerships which aim to take things even further, and put its cognitive capabilities to use solving a whole new range of problems around the world.
But what is cognitive computing? How is it related to the Big Data revolution, and why does it have the potential to change everything? Those are a few of the questions I will be taking a look at in this article.
Cognitive computing, according to Vice President of IBM Watson Steve Gold, essentially marks the arrival of a new “era” in computing. What started with his own company’s development of tabulation computing, to process US census data at the dawn of the 20th century, developed into programmatic computing in the middle of the century, with the arrival of transistors, relational databases, magnetic storage and eventually microprocessors.
Now, the enormous growth in unstructured data we have experienced in recent years, and the sophisticated methods that have been developed to help us make sense of, understand and learn from this data, has given rise to cognitive computing. Cognitive computers don’t need to be programmed – they can learn for themselves.
For example, Watson Oncology – one of the efforts involving Watson and aimed at tackling cancer – is used at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York to suggest treatment programs for patients. It does this by reading through patient records, published studies and pharmaceutical data and presents its findings in a “probabilistic” manner – suggesting treatments which, based on the data, would appear to offer the best chance of success for an individual patient.
The word “cognitive” of course implies that the system is thinking – and in a way, scary as that may seem at first, it is! Its processes mirror those of our own brain – accessing relevant data in order to come to a conclusion based on experience of what is likely to work. It will, however, work through this process in a far faster, more accurate and repeatable fashion, unhindered by emotion, fallibility of logic, or ego.
Gold tells me that there are essentially three areas in which Watson excels and which, when taken together, form the “legs” that the cognitive computing system stands on.
The first is Natural Language Processing (NLP). Watson is designed to be spoken to, and to reply, in natural human language. We’re used to communicating with computers through icons and drop-down menus. Because Watson can learn, it can develop language skills, and that includes picking up all the subtle nuances, idiosyncrasies and colloquialisms of human language. This form of “computational linguistics” drops the level of specific technical expertise needed to put Watson to work down to zero, and eradicates a huge barrier that has traditionally been present in the relationship between man and machine.
The second leg is what Gold calls Watson’s “voracious appetite for data”. Watson can gobble its way relentlessly through web pages, journals, books, newspapers and whatever else it is fed. Gold says “When we first showcased it on Jeopardy! it was reading about 200 million pages of information and was able to extract the information relevant to each question it was asked in a little over 3 seconds. “It turns out that it works in a similar way to how most professionals do – you go to the doctor and say you don’t feel good, relate your symptoms and the doctor, based on experience, comes up with a hypothesis as to what could be wrong with you. A lawyer going into court will look at all the case law and precedents. But it’s not deterministic – it’s not a single right answer – it’s a whole series of probabilistic answers and that’s what a cognitive system is all about.”
The third leg is Watson’s ability to learn. Machine learning, fuelled by Big Data, is behind its ability to get progressively better with use. Every new piece of information it is fed, along with every new outcome of a monitored situation – either simulated or in the real world – increases the statistical likelihood of it being able to successfully solve any given problem.
Watson is already in operation across 26 industries including financial services, travel and retail in 36 countries, and its uptake is continuing to accelerate. This is in part due to IBM’s keenness to develop partnerships with other organizations which have specialist use cases, as well as data sets, which Watson can use. Earlier this year it launched a partnership with Twitter, giving Watson access to the “firehose” of 6,000 tweets sent around the world every second. It also created a large team of specialist staff tasked with helping other businesses get at the unimaginable wealth of information on our lives, thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams contained in those tweets – and of course work out how to make money from them!
More recently, it partnered with Japanese telecommunications giant Softbank to bring Watson to the attention of the business community in that country. The move will involve Watson learning Japanese for the first time – one of the most complicated human written languages consisting of 2,000 Kanji characters. Gold tells me “Together with Softbank we will be working with third parties – developers, entrepreneurs, independent software vendors – to help facilitate their vision of what they could do with a cognitive system.
“These strategic partners bring an amplification effect – the local experience and local relationships – knowledge of local markets.
As well as conquering Japan, Watson has its eyes on the middle east, through another partnership with Mubadala in Abu Dhabi, with similar aims – integrating cognitive computing across that market. “The middle east is really exciting as an IT growth market. These are really important markets where we have a tremendous amount of inbound activity enquiring about access to Watson and Watson’s cognitive capabilities.
“At the start of 2014 we had three partners, and today we have over 300. They are very creative and very innovative in the ways they are applying cognitive, from veterinary medicine to children’s toys”.
Indeed one of Gold’s favourite applications is a Watson-powered toy dinosaur currently in development. Not only is it educational – it can answer questions asked by a child in English – it is thought it will aid with early diagnosis of learning or emotional disorders, by analysing patterns in the way questions are asked or repeated.
It’s clear that cognitive computing represents a great leap forward in the symbiotic relationship between man and machine. Science fiction has looked long and hard at the paths that relationship might travel in the future, but, as Gold tells me “This isn’t HAL – it isn’t Terminator.” Does he have any ethical concerns about where this could all lead? “No,” he answered, when I asked him – with only a very brief pause. “What really simplifies the question is… are we better off in the direction we are going? And, there’s no question.
“When you think about the decisions that professionals are facing, and some of the statistics – one in five medical diagnoses are wrong, or incomplete – and that’s an alarming amount.”
His point is that Watson’s potential for hugely positive change, at this point, far outweighs any science-fiction concerns we may have over robots taking over the planet, and I’m heavily inclined to agree with him.
Slightly more grounded might be concerns over our privacy – how much might a person, corporation or state be able to learn about us, with this sort of computational power at their fingertips? Like all new technology cognitive computing will undoubtedly be used by bad people to do bad things, as well as by good people to do good things. Whether the efforts of one of those groups will significantly outweigh the other is out of the hands of IBM or any other organization on the planet, and beyond even Watson’s abilities to predict.
But, in the here-and-now, concrete evidence is emerging that Watson and cognitive computing in general has potential for huge positive change, and that makes it very exciting.
Thanks To Bernard Marr.
Thank You :)